Friday, 7 October 2011

Crowdsourcing Debian Administration Handbook

The authors of a French-language administration handbook for Debian are crowdsourcing the funding required to translate it into English.

If they raise enough, they will "liberate" the book, publishing it under a free licence.

(Not just of use to Debian administrators, I'm sure there's plenty of material that would apply to wider linux administration or at least to Debian derivatives like Ubuntu etc..)

Update: Get the book now!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Evaluating Technical Candidates

As developers progress in their careers, they will often become responsible for evaluating candidates for a new role.   The first step in an evaluation is when the CV or resume arrives on your desk.

Read on for tips to evaluate these candidates.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Never lose a file again - 8 tips to manage your files

Ever lose a file?  It's not like losing your keys, sometimes the file that you lost came from your camera and is named something unhelpful like "D879691.JPG".

Using the tools to search for files won't help if you have hundreds of photographs on your computer.

Everyone forgets that files on a computer are just like their metaphorical analog in real life - they need organizing or finding what you want will be difficult.

So, here's some general do's and don'ts to help you to organize your files.